Camp Discovery offers a free summertime day camp experience to 150 young people between the ages of five and twelve. Registration for camp never closes. New campers start whenever it's possible for them to attend. We also offer a community service volunteer opportunity for 12 young people between the ages of 13 and 17. Everyone receives free breakfast, lunch and a snack, daily. Everyone goes swimming at least once a week. Field trips include roller skating, bowling, etc.
From the campers' perspective, we offer a bully-free, supervised environment in which to play, learn and make new friends. We have special crafts and art projects and the biggest sandbox around. Some campers have cooking school courtesy of the Mason County Extension Center. We plan babysitter training for older campers. We have camp visits by the Police and Fire Departments. The Library and other community groups provide special activities for learning and fun. We do community service projects with campers, to connect them to their community.
From the parents' point of view, our free childcare option allows parents to pursue education or employment without worry about what their children are doing all summer. Single parents, who might otherwise have to put their own education on hold while their children are out of school for the summer, can continue to pursue their education.
For the larger community, we keep young people safe and supervised. This is a benefit to the whole community. Department of Justice statistics show that during unsupervised hours, children are more likely to be either the victim or perpetrator of a crime.
We cannot take donations online at this time; checks can be sent by mail to our main office address.
Address: Beechwood Drive, Maysville KY 41056 (Map)
Address: 1403 E 2nd Street, Maysville KY 41056 (Map)